why custom framing?
The Impact of Custom Framing
Personalizing your home or work space with custom framing is a great way to express your personality and to enjoy your surroundings. While others can go to the store and buy the same sofa, tables and lamps that you have, it is highly unlikely anyone will ever have the exact same custom framing as you.
Regardless of what you choose to have framed for your home, whether it is a favorite piece of art, a mirror, an object inherited from an ancestor or anything else, it will add interest to your space. Take a look at these rooms, with and without framed art to see for yourself what a big impact custom framing makes.

Custom Archival Framing
Framing is to preserve and protect your artwork.
Every and each steps in custom framing are important to protect your valuables!
In framing, the materials that directly contact your art are of the greatest importance. Using non-archival (acidic) or inappropriate materials to adhere or support artwork can result in unnecessary damage and possible decrease in the artwork’s monetary value. Reversibility is essential when adhesives are used to hinge artworks to their support.

Rag Mat
Materials used at Conservation Framing Services—such as museum quality rag mat boards in a variety of widths and natural tones—are designed to protect and preserve your artwork. They are not only acid free but are designed to absorb acid from the art as well as the environment. Photographic work, for example, requires a specially treated museum board, formulated specifically for its photo chemical make-up.
Hinging is the process of attaching works on paper to a backing board, or support, often for the purpose of “floating” the artwork. This is done as an alternative to “over-matting” in which the mat is placed over the artwork. As with the selection of matting and frames, hinging must be tailored to the artwork in question. Depending on the weight of the paper on which the artwork is made, an appropriate hinge is chosen that will support the piece without restricting its natural movement over time. All hinges are made from acid free Japanese papers. Our adhesives are also acid free and reversible.

Glazing, the first line of
defense for your art work!
It’s also essential because of moisture, smoke, acidic fumes and a host of threatening conditions artwork often faces. Museum quality UV-filtering glass are available and recommended for valuable artwork on paper and color photography to protect them over time from the color-fading UV-rays. These products also offer anti-reflective and anti-static properties.
Matting has two core functions. One was to provide an area for visual relief so the art could be viewed without the distraction of the nearby surroundings. Secondly, the depth of the mat also serves as a spacer to keep the glass from touching the face of the art. Mat borders are also an important consideration. It is best to avoid having mat boards the same width as the frame surrounding them. Generally it will look best if the mat is somewhat wider than the frame. Too narrow a board can bring down the perceived value of the art and it tends to look crowded in the frame. Single Mat: When mats were first introduce to framing, they were all single layer. Today it is much more common to use 2, 3 or sometime 4 layers. Single mats are probably used most on high end art where the frame designs are simple and classic, not decorative. Single mat also recommended when matting vintage, classic or antique pieces as it helps them look authentic to their era.
matting and design ideas

Double mats allow you to add an accent color that can be used to help draw attention to the art by outlining it. However, a double mat can be made using two of the same color for a more subtle look.
double mat

multiple objects, multiple opening

This shows the same print matted with three different colors. None of the choices are wrong, they are just different. Dark mats tend to allow the light in the art to pop while a light mat usually intensifies the darker colors. A mid tone mat keeps both the light and dark details in the art more equal